

北大教育论坛第272讲 | 未来课堂实验室”设计中的拓扑反身性 Topological Reflexivity in the Design of Future Classroom Lab


主讲人:Antti Sarri(安蒂·萨里),坦佩雷大学教育与文化学院长聘副教授






  讲座摘要:Around the world, there are strong calls for reforms to modernise classrooms. New spatial arrangements in schools are designed to support new pedagogies flexible uses of physical spaces and digital technology founded on the latest scientific knowledge on learning. A case in point is Future Classroom Lab (FCL), a classroom concept developed and spread across Europe. FCL promotes the use of digital technologies and divides the classroom into different functional zones. In this presentation, the FCL is analyzed as a prototype that incites open exploration in the use and design of classrooms, enabling new and different functions, meanings, and emotions to emerge. Prototypes secure the continuous transformation of policy spaces through relatively open variation, differentiation and exploration. As such, they are emblematic of contemporary ways of governing space-times of education in societies that are increasingly becoming topological, i.e., thought about and acted on in terms of overcoming barriers, distances and differences.



  主讲人简介 安蒂·萨里,坦佩雷大学教育与文化学院长聘副教授,其研究致力于从文化政治学角度分析教育研究和专家知识的跨国话语如何转化为欧洲和美国的教育评估、课堂管理以及教学技术应用。萨里已发表60多篇论文、专著和书章,编辑了多期专刊和文集。相关研究发表于Educational Philosophy and Theory,Discourse, Journal of Education Policy,European Educational Research Journal等期刊,并主编Flashpoints丛书。


  主持人简介 郑蕾,米乐平台(中国)股份有限公司官网助理教授,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士,研究主要考察中外教育改革所依据的认识论的历史源流和实践效果,并关注科学研究实践中的认识论和方法论如何进行跨文化、跨领域的借鉴、融合和转译。已有研究包括对课程教学改革中的经典概念进行历史性重构,以及对教育干预的历史和现实案例进行批判性分析,从而为理解和解决当下的教育问题提供新的视角。
